PEZA Accredited Office Buildings in BGC Taguig as of June 30, 2024

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PEZA Accredited Office for Rent BGC Uptown Taguig Mckinley
PEZA Accredited Office for Rent BGC Uptown Taguig Mckinley

Why Choose BGC for Business?

BGC is a master-planned development that offers state-of-the-art corporate buildings, world-class commercial establishments, upscale dining options, and luxurious residential condominiums. This makes it an ideal location for businesses looking to establish or expand their operations in the Philippines

The area’s development is geared towards high-tech industries and multinational corporations, making it a significant growth area for investment and business operations.

List of PEZA-Accredited Office Buildings in BGC as of June 30, 2024

  1. A.T. Yuchengco Centre
  2. Avecshares Center
  3. BGC Corporate Center
  4. BGC Corporate Center 2
  5. Cyber Sigma
  7. Ecotower
  8. E-Square Information Technology Park
  9. Food Terminal Incorporated Special Economic Zone
  10. Inoza Tower
  11. JY Campos IT Centre
  12. Market! Market!
  13. McKinley Hill Cyber Park
  14. McKinley West
  15. Menarco Tower
  16. Milestone at Fifth Avenue
  17. One Global Place
  18. One World Place
  20. Philplans Corporate Center
  21. St. Luke’s Medical Center Global City
  22. TDG Innovation and Global Business Solutions Center
  23. The Finance Centre
  24. Twenty-five Seven McKinley
  25. Twenty-four Seven McKinley
  26. Uptown Bonifacio
  27. Vista Hub
  28. W City Center
  29. W Fifth Avenue
  30. W North
  31. Bench City Center
  32. MDi Corporate Center
  33. Ore Central Building
  34. Park Triangle Corporate Center
  35. Vista Place Campus Tower 1

Learn more about this property listing by reaching out to one of our knowledgeable Licensed Real Estate Brokers.

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#PEZABuildingsBGC #BGCProperties2024 #InvestInBGC #EasyPropertyMatch #ATYuchengcoCentre #AvecsharesCenter #BGCCorporateCenter #BGCCorporateCenter2 #ECOPRIME #EcotowerBGC #MenarcoTower #OneGlobalPlace #OneWorldPlace #TheFinanceCentre #WCityCenter #WFifthAvenue #WNorth #OreCentralBuilding #ParkTriangleCorporateCenter PEZA Accredited Buildings in BGC Uptown McKinley Taguig

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