How to Estimate the Correct Office Area per Person in the Philippines

  • easypropertymatch by easypropertymatch
  • 6 months ago
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How to Estimate the Correct Office Area per Person in the Philippines

When it comes to setting up a new office, one of the most crucial decisions involves determining the right amount of office space. Calculating this not only impacts your budget but also affects the productivity and satisfaction of your employees. This guide will walk you through the various considerations and methods to estimate the appropriate space to ensure you get the most accurate and practical results.

Calculate Your Office Space Square Footage (sqft) Office Requirements

The first step in determining how much office space you need is to calculate your square footage requirements. This calculation should ideally take into account the nature of your business, the number of employees, and any specific needs such as conference rooms or storage areas. A general rule of thumb is to allocate between 54 square feet per person. However, this can vary depending on the layout and functionality you envision for your workspace.

Example in (sqft): 100 employees X 54 sqft = 5,400 sqft Office space

Calculate Your Office Space Square Meter (sqm) Office Requirements

Determining the office space per person in square meters (sqm or m2) is vital for aligning with international standards and ensuring that you are utilizing space efficiently. For a standard office, allocating around 5 square meters per person is a common practice. This allows enough room for each employee to work comfortably without excess space that goes unused.

Example in (sqm): 100 employees X 5 sqm = 500 sqm Office space

Standard Office Room Size in Meters and Feet in the Philippines

In the Philippines, the average density of office space per person is 5 square meters (about 54 square feet). This size should accommodate a desk, some filing space, and room for small meetings. Adjustments might be necessary based on specific job functions or equipment needs.

Office Space Calculator

Using an office space calculator can simplify the process of estimating the amount of space needed. These tools typically ask for inputs like the number of employees, the need for common areas (such as kitchens and lounges), and special accommodations, and then provide an estimate of the total square meter and square footage required.

Number of employees X 54 sqft =

Number of employees X 5 sqm =

Calculating the right amount of office space is critical for operational efficiency and employee productivity. By considering the number of employees, the nature of your work, and adhering to both local and safety standards, you can determine a suitable and sustainable office space configuration.


The estimates provided in this article for office space requirements per person in the Philippines are based on average industry standards. Actual space requirements may vary depending on specific building configurations, business needs, and other factors. It is recommended to consult with a professional real estate advisor or architect to determine the precise office space requirements for your particular circumstances.

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